Archicad online training
Archicad online training

archicad online training

Perhaps if more architects and design firms used ArchiCAD (rather than other BIM products) the situation would be different! Teicholz analyzed a great deal of data and concluded that even with “increasing use of BIM technologies and the lean collaborative processes it supports” that AEC firms still face “significant structural problems preventing improvements in labor productivity… This is in contrast to all nonfarm industries (which includes construction) which have shown significant increases in labor productivity.” “I started a new house in Pacific Palisades and in a little more than a week did two designs and have half a set of preliminary drawings and a major portion of the plan graphics - fantastic.”īy strange coincidence, one day later, AECbytes published an article by respected analyst Paul Teicholz of Stanford University, reporting continued declines in productivity for the construction industry.

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2 ArchiCAD Training and MasterTemplate Boosts ProductivityĪ few days ago I received an enthusiastic email from architect Lew Bishop, a veteran ArchiCAD user since 1995, telling me about some dramatic improvements he was experiencing in his efficiency and productivity:

Archicad online training